
[国产车系] AUDI J362 IMMO 4A0 953 234 配 4A0 907 473 D 海拉ECU J192 四

zoml0146 显示全部楼层 发表于 2014-12-29 10:27:04 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题 来自: 陕西西安
本帖最后由 zoml0146 于 2014-12-29 16:03 编辑 4 O5 j) Y9 y) w' \7 B

7 D. a1 d" G" @( c
AUDI J362 IMMO 4A0 953 234 数据流
看这款电脑的数据流 有可能要关闭点火开关30秒再打开,重新阅读.显示同样的结果才算故障" n" r' s2 v! Y
注意:如果你用捷达/时代超人/2000年以后其他大众奥迪的钥匙强制插这车上,02始终为"0", z# r* X6 D  S% q% Z" I! R) k* l% g

2 ?$ D/ x8 M- W7 P* B0 Ximmo j362 pin t12/2 ..... d2线圈
# \. ?- ]7 [' S8 q3 Lt12/3 ..... d2线圈' X9 h& Q3 h# `1 J) ?, U! C
t12/6 ..... 钥匙 ok 指示灯& m- J/ y( ~- t8 n/ L
t12/9 ..... w线.连接到发动机控制单元 j192 b插头6号脚
$ V- l! I8 R- X# q4 q  O5 U9 E! x, a9 jt12/10 .... k线.连接到诊断坐j1962 7号脚 或黑白2+2dlc 白头k line
5 w, Y! h; H( j2 x: yt12/11 .... 31属性电源.既搭铁线.
, N* U, k3 L) Dt12/12 .... 15属性电源.既点火开关打开到 on.才有电.% P$ u# o% o( x( o; {3 Y4 I
- M5 E7 n* M: t9 U+ p7 r
ecu j192 pin 从左往右数依次序为 d插头16p;c插头12p;b插头20p;a插头16p;5 U  m5 K; [* t5 B
其中 d插头是大电流的插片 电源都集中在d插头
. |  A8 I7 C; ?5 n' hd1d9 是直通的 31属性电源.既搭铁线
! T* d' U$ S* L% Td415属性电源.既点火开关打开到 on.才有电.
( g# s! ~; a2 ^6 X' e- l6 ~5 v7 Nd530属性电源.长火线.记忆电源.% q9 B; R3 F6 T
而且 d 插头只能是a;b;c都插好后,最后一个能插上的插头.
. u2 G- j7 t: c$ S6 fc插头;b插头;a插头;都是插针.其中b插头6号脚为 w线端子iso9141串行通讯口.immo j362 9号脚.
8 O& q( y. B" y6 O# t! C
5 D7 ]# T- y/ o9 Y( p

8 j5 I" p! Y, I1 n" E- E& H2 X! B
9600波特率记录 w线开关钥匙通讯数据 正常记录
9 R, r7 Q% V, p/ z5 z9 Y9600波特率记录 w线开关钥匙通讯数据 不正常记录
4A0 907 473 ECU J192 数据流/CODING/调整
2,6 v6 发动机数据流, 发动机号码: abc.
; g  h) o: n# |# H( u% Y- ]2 n# r9 j发动机电脑零件号码: 4a0-907-473xx
$ f" R( M: \  R
5 i( e" l* Z9 J. {10-调整 功能】6 X/ J- K5 B1 n2 x" k. B
调整组: a0 does not show in adaption but is implemented for completeness and possible future use.4 Q3 q; i2 S) P/ J2 {
- \& F+ y: M0 b7 q9 w: A2 C
a0,0,idling speed stabilisation valve and learned mixture values* u  Z5 \6 y9 F. a: t1 N' Z
a0,5,moves the idling speed stabilisation valve to it's basic position and resets learned mixture values to factory default.& X3 J# R& @' U
a0,6,the idling speed stabilisation valve -n71 must be moved to it's basic position if:
" }) Q: `, b' q- [$ a/ W8 `a0,7,the -n71 connector has been removed with engine running.
' u; p9 Z9 T& s( ga0,8,the -n71 has been removed and installed or replaced.: `1 X. ?8 B' B+ X8 b; I4 r9 R
a0,9,the engine control unit has been removed and installed or replaced.
$ E; }" i" Q7 ^( \. m& w9 Q7 Ba0,10,the intake manifold has been removed and installed or replaced.
8 K' T9 b6 W5 E3 n3 ?, j" Q' Ea0,11,the engine has been removed and installed or replaced.
2 x2 R9 U8 ?$ E/ s+ i+ w8 `+ ba0,12,
+ H, d$ P' h# B' J. ]a0,13,save 00 to adapt and reset.
! F6 i# R" a6 sa0,14,
  S, F  @: I" f# `' M9 [* za0,15,idling speed stabilisation valve adaption only can be performed in basic settings block 001.
; a2 _3 g5 W7 r; r$ h% {' q+ la0,16,learned mixture values reset only can be performed in basic settings block 002.
" x: X; j; H- {  \: R1 A0 X% U3 {a0,17,basic settings can only be performed from software version do3 and above in ecu version a.2 F0 X( T4 {' M  O/ k% j3 O) ]- h
' O2 U1 H* m/ _8 B$ `1 v' e
a1,0,idling speed adaption) Q2 U* T) @8 |7 U0 I8 O
a1,5,idling speed adaption
) l$ x; Q. l% E  e, ta1,6,adaption value 0 is factory set idling speed.; H4 h+ R: m5 Y8 V: q8 ^( x0 X
a1,7,adaption is 10 rpm per step.' S! S5 O) `: M; e1 B! {( W. r
a1,8,+10 rpm enter 00001. +20 rpm enter 00002. works up to +70 rpm or 00007.6 g; \6 B; ?: N; V1 F: |3 ~
a1,9,-10 rpm enter 00255. -20 rpm enter 00254. works down to -70 rpm or 00249.' ~9 M8 P- n+ r- ^* d0 d

3 S% y4 }# W+ B. @* c07-控制单元编码功能】% |  n# H5 g2 C* c& `; f
3 I' S+ e6 q( C4 Q( U
c0,coding engine abc and acz
" Y* x- F: k3 l) y1 ic1,there's different codings for indexes up to "c" and from "d" and onwards9 T6 e2 V) P- |( I, X1 g5 B
- L6 w  R0 s( C7 k" rc3,number of lambda probes
% M/ A! |0 j0 o5 ]  r  W. [1 F+ U1 H0 I- type of gearbox+ v: c+ z& ]# ?# s) S' _
- type of drive - coding up to "c" - coding from "d" and up9 L3 i8 n4 u, [8 q1 z
c4, 2 - manual 012 - fwd - 000 - 000600 _2 N. R, m0 Z! h& U
c5, 2 - manual 01a - 4wd - 001 - 000617 w0 w4 x! u/ P% A9 f9 e
c6, 2 - auto 01f - 4wd - 008 - 00068
) U2 ~  i* J; q/ Pc7, 2 - auto 01k - fwd - 008 - 00068" ~- w. W1 d  _$ Y' p7 J
c8, 1 - manual 012 - fwd - 032 - 00032
, K/ q" X1 A* y1 g) b5 ~$ Bc9, 1 - manual 01a - 4wd - 033 - 00033: a: Q( K6 t- x2 ^# ?& \7 P
c10, 1 - auto 01f - 4wd - 040 - 00040
+ U* y$ g9 e  u) Q* E4 P0 Cc11, 1 - auto 01k - fwd - 040 - 00040+ S5 m+ x+ D% c- w
08-读取数据流功能】3 j" c0 r' u: ^- ~
9 j" o: j% U5 x% u! d* G$ b+ g
【数据流01组】怠速控制idling control (basic settings-idling stabilisation valve to default)
* k6 G# ~% V. E# b2 b: Q2 X# V; d& i  @, ~& h! E. Y$ F% B( V$ E
00: engine speed,,680 rpm-820 rpm at idling
1 x" k2 n4 J. O+ S5 o01: intake manifold,pressure,29-59% ok at idling (100%=1022hpa - 32%=327hpa)4 F& L6 T% z9 [) l$ ~7 B
02: ignition timing,,ignition firing point
1 R& d; f, u- R* q# k, x$ \8 W( ^" E& n03: position of idling,stabilisation valve,18-75 ok at idling
5 `5 T0 E1 w. C3 e8 a* T6 {. e# _+ C/ i! }% o  y& F
【数据流02组】节气门打开控制 (basic settings-resets learned mixture values)+ s$ \2 V& ]* D
5 o6 q$ V$ O% |
00: throttle valve,angle,idling: 0% - full load: 95%% k) X/ x, W, C, ~0 ^
01: intake manifold,pressure,100%=1022hpa - 32%=327hpa: ~3 T( U2 ^7 ?. v
02: coolant,temperature,81-111when warmed up2 F8 e/ e0 H' ?# Z3 z& j7 }2 R
03: intake air,temperature,depends on ambient temperature4 }. L8 ?: p9 U0 H) g& Y
2 K" C6 u7 y1 ^" I' ~/ c
【数据流03组】lambda 控制 (基本设置点火正时 angle 0.0?atdc)$ O& v- q( K; [" x) r& n  U
' l' q" \' {6 ]$ f
00: lambda learning,value (bank 1),0.75-1.25 (basic settings-coolant temperature. must be at least 85.)$ v* r- u2 b( s7 G8 a: F
01: lambda learning,value (bank 2),0.75-1.25 (basic settings-idling switch. 0=open 1=closed.)
+ ]" B* ~4 l% s$ |  H! S+ H1 j+ i02: lambda control,(bank 1),0.75-1.25 (basic settings-ignition timing.)& C0 K/ L2 b+ X
03: lambda control,(bank 2),0.75-1.25 (basic settings-idling speed.)$ ?$ _9 T2 @  c6 t
6 Z6 c! c# p6 `1 k; S5 C
【数据流04组】lambda 控制 (basic settings-learned lambda-/tank venting value)
0 I5 i1 f  k1 b% b6 s
' M' {" L7 H# M  J) p8 _00: condition of,lambda control,0=active 16=inactive (basic settings-coolant temperature. at least 85.)8 Q' |/ l( H9 ]8 }: w' Y: C
01: tank venting,learning value,0.75-1.25 (basic settings-idling switch. 0=open 1=closed.)
  w1 T* I& k+ @% `8 b' _02: lambda control,(bank 1),0.75-1.25 (basic settings-lambda learning value (bank 1) 0.75-1.25)- `9 W0 y" B: G- u9 h4 K, P
03: lambda control,(bank 2),0.75-1.25 (basic settings-tank venting learning. 1 min constant-1 min variable)/ W# _% h, B4 L# g8 T

3 ^% Q6 j2 @% Y+ d/ \【数据流05组】 点火控制ignition control
. w. v+ e4 s" ]! z) q, k) I, p! q1 X
00: engine speed,,disconnects k81 at approximately 2500 rpm9 v$ g4 m3 e. w+ `# N
01: knock control,depth,basic value: 60?atdc  t; q& K7 R2 ^# p
02: ignition timing,,average of all ignition timing angles8 [3 G5 n* L3 b3 p8 B6 g
03: coolant,temperature,81-111when warmed up. ^2 U# {9 c# F6 j

$ r# X- `8 a: \" u/ A8 W% O0 Z【数据流06组】 怠速控制idling control
% Y" V: V8 B6 x$ ~( b- E$ A1 W9 N
00: position of idling,stabilisation valve,10-60 ok at idling7 w9 }4 O  x0 V5 y4 }- b9 F3 |8 ~
01: learned value for,idling stabilisation,18-75 ok at idling
8 n9 T4 @9 L9 Z3 W/ p02: idling stabilisation,valve interference,0=no interference
7 T4 w) o' Y7 |4 G  l$ k03: idling stabilisation,valve control,idling stabilisation control
/ i  ^3 m. ?0 O5 _3 |8 r9 {, O4 {2 O) Z" U1 t
【数据流07组】基本功能basic functions% n+ ?- \$ Q% {2 |& C- T8 H

1 `* E0 {# ]3 I00: position of idling,stabilisation valve,10-60 ok at idling
# ^" T1 C# V8 g4 e% k01: coolant,temperature,81-111when warmed up# a, C; `" R4 v( {2 W! }( X8 k) n7 |1 r
02: lambda learning,value (bank 1),0.75-1.25
, M6 j8 J4 F0 X7 G- J4 C03: lambda learning,value (bank 2),0.75-1.25
" k4 |3 s8 P1 E& u. q% v9 q' X2 \
【数据流08组】基本功能basic functions
# L4 P9 l" m2 j% [% l! t* J
* O6 A( \  v+ S) |% X' N- i00: position of idling,stabilisation valve,10-60 ok at idling7 o: i/ E% F: M1 Y# h% s
01: coolant,temperature,81-111when warmed up/ s5 m7 J4 z  t9 c- C
02: lambda learning,value (bank 1),0.75-1.252 H2 C  _. d7 }7 J  `
03: lambda learning,value (bank 2),0.75-1.25. [% D: S; l3 Z+ S; R- D) u

" Z* J1 b6 {  l- Y- k; V* M1 [9 Y【数据流09组】基本功能basic functions2 K) g! B0 x0 w2 T7 R/ `- G) {8 ]
' |2 P7 }: j* b( E# \8 w; |
00: coolant,temperature,81-111when warmed up1 g' p; ^" V9 i! B1 g
01: idling switch,(0=open 1=closed)
" z2 z* H2 N' L1 }( y& L02: ignition timing,,ignition firing point
; ?, h( M( X! r03: engine speed,,disconnects k81 at approximately 2500 rpm3 o7 x# e  _+ i9 F; Y+ c8 f; p1 g7 q
+ A: ~0 y+ C- J0 Q8 B" X
【数据流10组】基本功能basic functions
& B1 q2 }/ X; p7 X% N+ q3 n; _5 R, Q* `
00: coolant,temperature,81-111when warmed up5 |$ m4 y& p5 s3 m
01: idling switch,(0=open 1=closed). m9 Q; r) e/ j( q' }- V
02: lambda learning,value (bank 1),0.75-1.25( p# L8 {: w' u0 t( e) v
03: tank venting,learning value,0.75-1.25) i1 e' k7 G6 s, t& \4 c

2 e1 b4 b- F& l; ^% _) J【数据流99组】基本功能 (from erwin but not verified since i can't read this block)+ K4 t1 L1 ?4 y

4 N0 ~  ?' l1 P& H! N6 G1 [# `/ ^' y00: engine speed,,disconnects k81 at approximately 2500 rpm9 Z7 L$ p8 D8 e# A0 V) I! r
01: engine load,,intake manifold pressure (100% = 1022hpa - 32% = 327hpa)+ r5 d! ]# E, s9 E3 C) p6 X- Z
02: coolant,temperature,81-111when warmed up2 [  Y6 w! k/ g
03: lambda control,off/on
+ K# Y, Y5 ~  h7 |

2 E8 V, }5 u" h' Z* ~3 M$ F5 T
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