
锁艺译丛(7) - 谍报锁 前苏联

民用锁艺 2012-2-6 14:50 5266人浏览 0人回复
原作者: asdasd 收藏 分享 邀请

导读: 继上篇锁艺译丛(6) - “极端”型 军事锁具 之后,相信大家也对这个奇怪的锁具倍感神秘! (很快也会从中华锁艺转载过来的) 之后我也为大家搜索了一下相关资料,最后在该锁主人的朋友的博客上找到了 ...


Russian Spy Combo Lock

I bet you have never seen this lock before.



If you have you are either a Russian ‘diplomat’, have worked as a high ranked officer on a Russian nuclear submarine or operated a nuclear plant there. Or you are a member of Toool or Ssdev. Little is known about the lock, only that it is (was?) in use at the most critical parts of the Russian government and military. Fact is this lock is extremely rare. A US DOD lock specialist has been trying for years to get his hands on one, without success. He only located three of these locks in the world. Safe technician Paul Crouwel owns one of these three locks.


关于此锁具的资料相当少,我们只知道在俄罗斯政府部门和军队里 最重要的部门才会配备。而事实上这样的锁极为罕见。一位美国 国防部的锁具专家曾经花几年时间寻找这样的锁具,但也无果而终。他只找到了这仅存3把锁在世界上的分布位置!而保险箱技师保罗拥有这其中的一把!


The lock has a seal function. It does not take much force to break the lock open. The design goal was obviously to prevent unauthorized and surreptitious access. The story we heard was that the lock was in use at Russian embassies. Instead of importing heavy safes from Russia they just bought a decent model on the local market. They secured the entrance of the original key hole with this lock. So in order to open the safe you first need to get passed this ‘seal lock’.




To open it you need to dial a combination and use a key. So it can also be used in a system where two people are needed to open a specific safe. One person knows the combination and will dial it while the other person only has access to the key and operates it.

开启这把锁,除了钥匙之外,你还要知道密码。所以这种锁还能使用在要求 必须2人才能开启保险柜的场所。即一人负责密码,一人负责钥匙。

The other story we heard was that is was used in nuclear facilities and submarines. But we do not know for sure. We do know it is a lock with a strong ‘spy vs spy’ smell.


If you know more about this specific lock we would love to hear from you!



25 Responses to The ‘Russian Spy Combo Lock’
25条回复 关于“前苏联 谍报锁”

1.         mike says:

August 16, 2006 at 23:06

I don’t know much about them. But what i do know is i want one.
麦克 说:

2.         seanrox says:

August 18, 2006 at 11:06
Wow Barry. What a great lock. You’ve out done yourself once again. Thanks for sharing this great information.
塞罗斯 说:

3.         Barry says:

August 18, 2006 at 15:16
Seanrox: thanks. Keeping the blog up to date is a lot of work. But so far it has been worth it. I hope I can keep up the quality and quantity.

版主 巴瑞 回复 塞罗斯:

4.         seanrox says:

August 18, 2006 at 21:38
Indeed it’s a lot of work keeping a blog up to date but you don’t need to post daily. People, including myself would rather see quality posts once in a while then a ton of junk post about their cat climbing a tree or something strange like that, plus I’m a dog person
塞罗斯 说:

5.         workstation says:

August 22, 2006 at 14:25
I like the way you enter the code. Much easier than the typical American combination lock.

工作站 说:

6.         Ronnie says:

August 30, 2006 at 18:51
You guys are on top of it! Thanks

罗尼 说:
你们真是顶尖高手啊! 谢谢!

7.         martin says:

September 5, 2006 at 18:49
hi barry,that lock was great loved the pair,i couldnt find out anything on the russian lock but managed to get hold of a nice example of the rosengrens cnab6 the engineering of this is beautifull,keep up the great work martin.

马丁 说:
你好 巴瑞,这锁真是不错,我对这把锁了解不多,但我找到一把样板的rosengrens cnab6 锁具,它涵盖的工程学令人吃惊啊!继续努力!

8.         Russian Club of fans of locks says:

November 28, 2006 at 22:20
Now to us it became clear, why mister Vels, us has not started up us on the seminar…
We think because we projected, and we do these Russian locks.
And you that, first time see good locks?
Russian Club of fans of locks

俄罗斯锁艺协会 说:

9.         Barry says:

November 28, 2006 at 22:45
Russian Club of fans of locks : What are you talking about? I have no clue. Please find someone to translate what you have to say and not use bablefish to get your message across. Are you saying you have seen this lock before? Or even know where to buy them? I would not mind buying one … or two …

版主 巴瑞 回复 俄罗斯锁艺协会:


10.         Russian lockpick sport group says:

November 28, 2006 at 22:54
Now we can understand why Barry did not allow us to be present on the Seminar. We design and produce these Russian locks and really can show even more that you in Europe didn’t know about.

俄罗斯锁艺协会 说:

11.         Barry says:

November 28, 2006 at 23:10
Russian lockpick sport group (formerly known as fans of locks): You are bluffing. Just mail me one picture of this lock, or a different key. I do not beleive you at all. You where welcome to visit the championships, just as everyone else. I can not see any logic to your remark ‘now we understand why we were not welcome’. What would be the reason not to allow you entrance at the Dutch Open in regards to this lock? We talk about this Russian lock with great interest and welcome anybody who knows more about it, or about similar locks. Â

版主 巴瑞 回复 俄罗斯锁艺协会:

12.         Russian Club of fans of locks says:
November 29, 2006 at 15:29
You are not polite person mister Wels.
You invited us only to the open seminar. It is not interesting to us to look, how the Chinese cylinders is opend.
Now about the Russian lock.
The person, who has sold for you this lock, could appear in Russian prison. Because of all similar locks have number and are confidential.
These locks are developed in Russia and we shall not show them to you. You are not experienced of Russian locks. If you wish to learn to open such locks, enter the name on Russian seminars.

俄罗斯锁艺协会 说:

13.         Barry says:

       November 29, 2006 at 16:38
Dear Russian Club of fans of locks who are also sportgroup and lock
manufacturer: Why am I not polite? We only invite people for the
entire weekend we know and trust. A weekend with free alcohol and
expensive toys/locks all over the place require a basic level of
trust. And we do not know you at all, so there is no level of trust.
If you never take the first step to come to one of the open meetings
you will never be invited to the closed sessions. It is that simple.
What is not polite about that? Not to mention your request if I could
file a thick stack of export visa papers for you, making myself
responsible for your people.
And still no answer from you to the logic behind your remark now we understand why we were not welcome. Please clarify.
Looking at your reply on how you think people should be in jail for
handing out this lock make me fear you just are not the right person
for joining the weekend anyway. Please do not mistake honesty for not being polite, I think we are operating in two different worlds, worlds that are not compatible.

版主 巴瑞 回复 俄罗斯锁艺协会:


14.         Jester says:

November 30, 2006 at 14:33
*waits impatiently on a reply from the russian*
A few more entries like this and i’m calling Tom Clancy to look here for a beginning of his new book ;)
To the russians:
Privet, kak dila ?

杰斯特 说:
要是再多几个这样的俄国佬,估计就可以叫 汤姆 克兰西来看看(汤姆•克兰西,美国军事作家,当今世界最畅销的反恐惊悚小说大师。代表作《猎杀“红十月”号》、《惊天核网》、《分裂细胞》等。),再写几本小说了!

15.         Barry says:

November 30, 2006 at 17:42
Jester: I do not think there will be any more replies. My assumption
is they did not even realize their comments were world readable.
And BTW, Privet, kak dila ? Akoodah-teh? roughly translates to ‘Hello what is up’. I checked because I would not want our Russian friends to be offended…

版主 巴瑞 回复 杰斯特:
我认为不会再收到他们的回复了。他们都不知道地球人读不懂他的回帖!kak dila ? Akoodah-teh? 应该是俄文,你好,怎么了?我查了一下,我可不想冒犯俄国朋友!

16.         Jester says:

November 30, 2006 at 19:13
Barry: I didn’t have the intention to offend our russian friends, I just wanted to “fish” (or should that be phish these days) for a conversation from them.
The russian in my previous post means: Hiya, how are you ? Where are you from ?
But I guess you are right, this seems like a dead end….
Good work on the blog btw !
Have a good one.
een oud hacktic ganger


17.         The Russian Lock Club says:

December 5, 2006 at 11:01
Dear and renowned Mr. Wels, who is famous even in China,
In Amsterdam, do they sell cannabis freely in every pub, or maybe there are some restrictions to its use?
Relax, undo your pant belt, and exhale.
The reason why you refused to invite us to the closed part of the seminar is not that you do not know us, it is because you are lying under ASSA Abloy, praising this moneybag on a regular basis and getting little sops from them.
The cause of your aversion to Russian professionals who make such Russian locks is that you have found out (we think it was from Mr. Marc Weber) that ASSA Abloy has contacts with the Russian thief mafia and Russian thieves from the Caucasus.
We have let you know that there is evidence that a trip of an Oleg Samoylov to the Abloy plants in Europe was arranged by Mikko Nissinen, the Moscow representative of Abloy. Mr. Samoylov is a recidivist thief who was imprisoned in Russian prisons 7 times for a total of 17 years.

And this criminal and thief now has access to all Abloy and Bjrkboda Ls Oy Ab technologies more than the distinguished Han Fey.

We have also let you know that we are appalled by the deceit of ASSA Abloy, who brought the YALE ML 14 and 04 locks to the Russian market and announced that these locks cannot be opened with lockpicks.

And we asked you and your club to check our tests for the breakdown of this lock by impression or recommend any experts who would be ready to check our conclusions about consumer deceit.


But you said no, and we understand now that it was for conformist reasons. Another friend and business partner of yours, Mr. A. Wendt, did not want to be honest either, as he had earlier issued a fake certificate for this lock.
And we understand that speaking honestly is hard for you if you eat from the ASSA Abloy feedbox.

And of course you knew, Mr. Wels, that our coming to the seminar will mean that information will be spread out to everybody who attends that the thief world has penetrated ASSA Abloy, that thieves and lock makers are together, and that the tests of the YALE ML 14 locks for tamper resistance by Wendt are fake.

This is the main reason why you prevented our coming.
It is called cowardice.
And what you say about the visas is just ridiculous. We told you of recommendations by Silka, Cisa, and Motura, and we could have provided a dozen more recommendations of famous producers including A. Wendt themselves.

But you did not want us to come, and you decided to do it this way.
You are wrong, and you should be ashamed to tell lies to all the world.

After your childish delight about the lock it was clear that your knowledge level is bumping cylinders from China, in which you are an expert. It is no accident that your free speech about the tamper resistance of locks is based on a system: MAXimum criticism of locks made by companies outside the ASSA Abloy concern and maximum praise of your main sponsor.

Now to your warning and threats that we are not the people you like.
On your web site, you have published photos of a lock that was stolen from the Russian security service, which had been known as the KGB.
Every such lock has a number, which you also published on your photo on the web.

It means that someone from KGB is already checking how you got hold of this secret lock.
This means that you and your friends have exposed the person who sold you the lock to criminal liability and possible real punishment for stealing this secret lock.

To put it simply, this is called stupidity and betrayal of your partners.
You have decided that we are to blame for someone who you bought the lock from and who we do not know being punished severely thanks to you and your stupidity, Mr. Wels.
We gave you our opinion and warned you that such photos are dangerous for the real owner of the lock.
In response to this warning, you poured a bucket of shit on us.
You are not the one to change Russian laws, and what is good for Jupiter will not do for an ox.

You can publish any photos you like on your site, and they do not involve us personally, but if you have a molecule of intellect, we would advise you not to shout so loudly about nuclear bomb locks and not to show their design to everybody.
It all looks like helping terrorists.

Thank you, Mr. Wels, for your very existence.
If you did not exist, it would be worthwhile to invent you.
Say hello to your ASSA Abloy friends and let them increase their sponsorship contributions.

It looks like you are suffering from an illness called I am the only one who is right and who can make judgment about everything.

You should work for the Russian KGB “ your decision making methods would suit them perfectly.
It is not democratic, and it does not mean freedom of opinion “ more like a dictator.
Your coming on the internet with your opinions does not mean that nobody has a contrary opinion.

The of democracy is that you cannot not decide on your own who and where will get truthful information about locks.
Forgive us for being rude, but you are too arrogant and asking for a not-so-polite reply.

We have attended your seminars anyway and have our own opinion about your and your seminars.

The beer you serve people should not be so warm, and it would be great if you put some cannabis on the table for a better perception of your ideas and yourself.
We wish you to lose some weight, as it is sad to see how you cannot put your sneakers on because of your belly.
You should eat less in the evening and stop drinking beer and smoking.
If your club is a public organization, it is a long time you should be reelected.
It looks like from a good sportsman locksmith you have turned into a good bureaucrat who wants good money.
We are sure it is not just our opinion.
With friendly professional greetings to the Saint Lock Roman Pope, Mr. Wels
The Russian Lock Club

俄罗斯锁艺协会 说:
你拒绝邀请我们参加研讨会的私人聚会并非你不认识我们,而是因为你效力于ASSA ABLOY (亚萨合莱:是当今世界领先的锁具制造商和全球顶尖的锁具供应商,作为全球最大的门控五金集团,在世界130个国家拥有150间锁具制造厂及销售公司,年营业额三十亿美金)。所以你必须讨好这个金饭碗!
你之所以讨厌俄国专业锁匠,是因为你发现ASSA ABLOY (亚萨合莱)秘密接触了一些俄国偷盗黑手党,以及一些来自高加索的小偷!
可以告诉你有证据显示Oleg Samoylov先生来ASSA ABLOY (亚萨合莱)的欧洲工厂参观是由ASSA ABLOY (亚萨合莱)的俄罗斯地区经理安排的。Oleg Samoylov先生是一名惯偷,曾经在俄罗斯7次被逮捕,总共被关押长达17年之久。
而现在这名罪犯在ASSA ABLOY (亚萨合莱)集团的地位甚至比你的好友Han Fey还要高!
ASSA ABLOY (亚萨合莱)曾经带上耶鲁 ML 14-4型号的锁到俄罗斯并声称该锁无法被技术性开启,而我们对他们的欺骗行为倍感惊讶!




但你否认了我们,现在我们明白你是为了维护自己的声誉。你的另外一个好友和生意伙伴A. Wendt先生也同样不想承认事实。因为他之前为这锁出具虚假证书出的问题!
而且我们也知道只要你还在效力于ASSA ABLOY (亚萨合莱),你就不会讲真话!
当然了,威尔先生,你知道我们的出席将会意味着ASSA ABLOY (亚萨合莱)集团和黑手党联手的黑幕被曝光,而大家就知道A. Wendt先生出具的证书就必假无疑了!
对于你说的签证问题那真是好笑。我们能拿出Silka, Cisa, 还有 Motura等等一大堆名望集团的推荐信,甚至是您的好友A. Wendt先生出具的。
请替我们向您的ASSA ABLOY (亚萨合莱)朋友问好,好让他们为你加薪!

18.         Russian Club of fans of locks says:

December 5, 2006 at 13:41
Look at the grandfather of your \

俄罗斯锁艺协会 说:
看看你爷爷的样子 \

19.         TOWCH says:

December 5, 2006 at 13:49


20.         Russian Club of fans of locks says:

December 5, 2006 at 13:49
Look at the grandfather of your Russian

21.         Frank says:

December 6, 2006 at 23:19
I guess they told you. Mr. Russian fellow that is a very interesting lock you have. I would have to say you won that round.
弗兰克 说:

22.         S.COWLISHAW says:

November 22, 2007 at 01:38
Hello,I have a similar lock to the Russian one you show,only it operates in a peculiar manner with two very intricate keys and combo.The keys work in unison together,one key is inserted into the front of the lock cylinder,the other is inserted into the righthand side of the lock.Now you can \

23.         Barry says:

February 18, 2008 at 17:49
A follow up is found here: http://www.toool.nl/blackbag/?p=81
版主 巴瑞 回复:

24.        More russian spy locks « Blackbag, Barry’s weblog says:
May 23, 2010 at 16:22
[...] all these people had things to tell and … locks to show. As you might know I am a big fan of ‘the rare russian lock’, and was in the blessed circumstance to have held three different models of these masterpieces in [...]
游客 说:

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